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Priya "Dreamer" Tadinada

The one who inspires to go onwards and upwards

Age: 23


Fun Fact: I moved to Germany to work as an Architect without learning German.


Travel Experience: 26 Countries in 3 Continents. I think the main reason I travel is to wake up to something new each day. The adrenaline rush of experiencing a brand new sunrise in a completely different place is surreal. Some people find solace in meditation, travel is my meditation. I take 3 days off each month, just to go to someplace new and learn more about it. As a student, I









would take 15 days off each semester and travel to a new country for a course and come back to perform better at school. Even now, as a professional Architect, I feel the need to keep my mind constantly active; travel helps me do this. It helps me think better, visually and creatively. I think it's safe to say travel is my drug!


Best Travel MemoryMy recent trek to the Everest Base Camp (Nepal). The first views of Mt. Everest, the stunning vistas and the everchanging landscapes are etched as memories in my head. It was a life-changing trek, mind against the body - physical, mental and psychological. But the moment of joy after finishing it was surreal - worth every struggle. Ever since I got back, even the impossible seems possible!


Someone Who Inspires You (and Why!): I am constantly driven and inspired by people who are self-made and work towards giving back to the society. I believe that passion is what pushes a person to excel beyond his/her capacity. I really look up to my father, who has taught me major life lessons by giving me the freedom to take my own decisions. Through all these years of him being a super cool dad, I've learnt from him that you can live the life you dream of, if you have the passion to work towards it. He makes me believe that dreams are real, while subtly reminding me that "I can, is as important as your IQ". He is the main reason I started traveling, he used to travel for work once a year to a new country for a conference, and that's when I made up my mind that I would work towards building a lifestyle that would let me travel all over the world!


Why You Want to Climb: Mountains give me happiness that nothing else in this world does. I find comfort amidst nature. Kilimanjaro has been on my list for really long and climbing it for a cause with a bunch of inspiring people makes it all the more worth it. To me, true beauty and happiness lies in awaiting an adventure with every step, feeling the freedom to wander - the freedom to explore. Rather than why, I'm waiting on "when" I can climb this beauty!














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Create something new each day, there's no better emotion than the joy of creating.




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