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Spencer "Trash Man" Alascio

The one who east all the leftovers

Age: 21


Fun Fact: I own an albino rat snake named Lucy


Travel Experience: 30+ states, 3 continents, 6 countries


Where are you located?: Lexington, VA


Best Travel Memory: Hiking the three peaks trail in Oahu, Hawaii with my cousin. Three volcanic ridges in succession with several hundred-foot-drop on either side of an










extremely narrow trail.


Someone Who Inspires You (and Why!): My mom! She's one of the most adventurous and open people I have ever met. It is so incredible to see her be open to trying almost anything. She was the one who taught me the difference between taking risks and being stupid (and boy, that's an important thing to know). She is the reason I love the outdoors and the reason why I always try to say yes first and ask questions second (it usually works out better than you might think).


Why You Want to Climb: This will be the first big trip my sister and I will have ever really done together on our own. I hope it won't be the last, but we are both getting older and doing these kinds of things together will only get harder as time goes on. In addition, Mt. Kilimanjaro?!? How could I not? This would also be my 4th continent, looking to hit all 7.


Social Media to Follow: Instagram













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