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22 Small Ways you CAN Celebrate Earth Day that Make a Big Difference

As we celebrate the environment on April 22, here are 22 ways to make a dramatic impact with hardly any effort. Rain drops cause floods and a single can helps save a mountain, so remember how every little bit counts!

  1. Don't use straws in restaurants. And while you are at it, don't use lids either.

  2. Forgot your reusable bag? Ask for paper. Just don't use plastic.

  3. f you have no interest in being a vegetarian, just refrain from eating meat one day a week.

  4. Celebrate imperfections and reduce food waste at the same time buy shopping here.

  5. Observe how much of a paper towel you use to dry your hands in the bathroom. If the whole thing is not wet, take a smaller piece next time.

  6. Plant flowers!

  7. Say no to your copy of the receipt or chose to get it emailed.

  8. Despite what your mother tells you, wash less. Use your cups and Tupperwares more than once.

  9. As you grocery shop, don't buy packaged food. It is healthier and you will avoid the plastic waste.

  10. While on that same shopping trip, don't put your fruits and veggies in plastic bags, especially items where you don't eat the rind.

  11. Unplug cords when not in use.

  12. Take one less napkin (or four...).

  13. Use tupperware, not Ziploc.

  14. Recycle- even where there are no bins. Bring items back home to be kind to the Earth.

  15. Find ways to extend the battery life on your phone.

  16. Aim for empty shelves by eating all the food you have already purchased.

  17. Go local! Buy items, especially produce, that were made within 100 miles to reduce energy in transportation costs.

  18. Go old school and line dry one load of laundry once a month.

  19. Meditate on your car ride to work. Turning off the radio saves energy.

  20. Open the blinds rather than flipping the light switch.

  21. Cuddle up in a blanket instead of turning up the heat. Open the windows instead of turning on the AC.

  22. Make this list longer by posting your own ideas to "Earth-saving techniques" in the comments of the article!


BONUS! Purchase a tree to plant in your yard!

(Cans for Kili is currently selling Red Oaks and Sycamores for just $10 each!)

Until Next Time,

The Schemer

Reuse the cups that you get at events this summer!

Some of the Sycamore Trees that will be planted as a result of our partnership with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful and the Indiana DNR!

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